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Have you been bogged down by extra pounds or weight during the winter?
Have you been eating too many of your best friend's cookies?
Are you sick of feeling tired, bloated, and blah? Are you ready to feel amazing?
Then keep reading…
How wonderful would it be to regain all your energy? Imagine not sitting at your desk waiting for the day to end. Imagine jumping up from a night's sleep well-rested.
With this cleanse, you will:
*  Reduce inflammation
*  Lose weight naturally
*  Increase your energy
*  Sleep better
*  Boost your metabolism

I'm the Certified Health Coach who will be guiding you through this transformative 11-day process.I became a Health Coach because I struggled for so long trying to find the right combination of diet and lifestyle choices that would lead me to regaining control over my health and I wanted to help others who were also struggling.  I've fought for decades with those in the allopathic medical community.  I knew there had to be more than drugs and management of symptoms with minimal relief.  My personal 'Fountain of Youth' came when I was finally able to determine what foods provided my fuel and which foods were my poison.  THIS, in a nutshell, is one of the main reasons I'm so proud of this detox as it is designed to help YOU navigate your own personal investigation.  How valuable would it be to you to be able to identify the foods that contribute to whatever health issues you are experiencing?  



Did you know that the body carries around 5-10 pounds of toxicity (aka inflammation) that can lead to headaches, weight gain, and bloating?  It's true!  
Often, we are eating foods that we think are "healthy", but that are actually contributing to the toxic load.
I have created a program that will teach you the blueprint for your healthy body.  No more confusion, no more diet books, no more guessing at which foods are healthy and which foods are not.  
I will guide you step by step through a proven, 3-prong approach to detoxing your body.  By the time you have completed your 11-day program, you will know which foods fuel your unique body and which foods sabotage your health.  
Once you remove the foods that are keeping you from success and decrease the overall toxicity in your body, you will achieve your weight-loss goals and feel 10 years younger.  How does that sound to you?  

I created this detox program for 5 main reasons:


1) To debunk health myths around which foods are healthy and which foods are not, as this entirely depends on your unique body's constitution.  

2) To provide essential detox support for maximum results.

3)  To share with you a proven approach, including what works and what does not.

4) To help you ditch the diet mentality and get clear on what works for YOU.

5) To teach you the tools necessary to establish life-long changes to your health.  

Are you ready to revitalize your body?

Are you ready to change the way you look and feel?


The Results:


*  Lose an averge of 3-5 pounds in one week

*  Feel recharged, renewed, and revitalized

*  Learn how to handle stress in your life

*  Leave old, unhealthy habits behind, and access the tools you need to eat healthy for a lifetime

*  Look and feel younger than you have in years


And that's just the tip of the iceberg! 

Detox does not have to be scary, nor does it have to mean deprivation.  It's a process of discovery, of letting go of what is not working for you anymore, both physically and emotionally.  Once you let go, you access freedom of both body and mind.  

And who doesn't want that? 

What's included in this Detox?


If you are NOT local to Pittsburgh area:


* Spring Detox Guide - a step-by-step guide showing you exactly how to detox in a safe and natural way

*  Daily Detox Guide - a straight-forward reference that will help you focus on your detox each hour of the day

*  Recipe Guide - featuring 61 recipes that will improve digestion, decrease inflammation, and keep you feeling satisfied

*  Daily Email Support - just like it sounds, I will email you daily to provide support & accountability

*  11-Day Guide with Suggested Meals - keeps you on track with meals during the detox

*  The Ultimate Success Kit - this kit has every tool you need to make your detox success last a lifetime

*  A Shopping List - makes shopping super easy, which makes prepping, preparing, and cooking for your detox easy

*  All Access Private Facebook Group Page - for continued support

* FREE 30 -Minute Post Detox Strategy Session with Health Coach Anna

** BONUS: 2 MONTH Exercise Guide to get your body moving, toned, and firm.


If you are local to Pittsburgh area we are proudly partnering with Pittsburgh Center for Complementary Health and Healing and are pleased to offer the following ADDITIONAL inclusions:


* Body Brush - a body tool used to support your detox by helping to move the lymphatic system, and reduce the appearance of                cellulite. 

* Tongue Scraper - Used to improve digestion, stimulate the internal organs, and improve your sense of taste

* $30 OFF of a Botanical Mud Detox

* 10% OFF of any Cellular Expansion & Healing or Reiki Session to cleanse any Limiting Beliefs



As a specially added bonus:  If you are a participating member with Organically Social, we are offering a $10 discount on the Pittsburgh Local cleanse.


The LOCAL Pittsburgh all-inclusive cost is $59.  Organically Social members cost is $49.  To reserve your spot, call PCCHH at 412-242-4220.  Be sure to mention your membership with Organically Social if applicable. 


To register for the NON-LOCAL cleanse, (those outside of the Pittsburgh metro area,) the cost is $29!  To register for this cleanse, please email Anna Bass directly at:  Once I receive your email, I will send you a link where you can conveniently pay via PayPal.  


REMEMBER:  We kick off the cleanse TOGETHER, as a GROUP, Thursday, April 23rd! 

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